Before advancements in technology, seniors had no choice but to age in a care facility. Now, it’s no longer the only option. In fact, many seniors prefer not to go into a senior care facility, and would rather stay in their own homes. 87% of older Americans want to age in place, and age-tech can empower them to do so.  

What is age-tech?

Age-tech is technology specifically created for seniors. Seniors living at home, or “aging in place,” rely on healthcare technology to decrease the amount of in-person care they need.   

53% of older Americans would prefer a mix of medical staff and healthcare technology to manage their medical needs. The healthcare age-tech that can help seniors age in place includes: 

  • Medication adherence: These devices help seniors accurately take their medication, in the right dose, at the right time. It includes automatic pill dispensers, medication reminders, and adherence monitoring. 
  • Remote patient monitoring: These devices track the vitals of patients, helping their healthcare providers manage their chronic conditions. 
  • Emergency alert systems: If a senior is in a medical emergency—for example, if they have a heart attack—emergency alert systems can notify healthcare providers, sending help without the patient even calling 911.  
  • Telehealth: Remote messaging systems, video chats, and calls with providers allow seniors to receive medical care in the comfort of their own home. 

Although only 8% of seniors currently have a health and safety device, 70% of seniors made a tech purchase in the past year. Seniors keep reaching for their devices, and AARP says they’re ready for more. There is great potential for seniors to be using healthcare technology to age in place, and home care can help seniors live a higher-quality life. 

Benefits of senior home care with age-tech

Retain their independence

Seniors have spent their entire lives building a home they love, working for themselves, and making choices. When they move into a senior care facility, it can feel like their autonomy has been stripped away from them. They no longer feel that same sense of independence they’ve had throughout their entire life. 

“Many seniors know they need help,” says Mary Sue Patchett, Vice President of Brookdale Senior Living. “But they don’t want to ask for it because they’re afraid of losing their independence.”  

To help seniors retain their independence, home care is key. It allows seniors to live their lives in their own homes, and technology allows them to experience their time without a stay-at-home caregiver constantly looming over their shoulder.   

Far less expensive

Another aspect of independence is financial independence. Unfortunately, 65% of adults said they aren’t saving money to pay for senior living, and senior care facility costs aren’t affordable. The average monthly cost for a semi-private room in a senior care facility is $7,900. Similarly, full-time at-home care is also extremely expensive, with a median of $4,500 per month. 

Along with pricey assisted living and caregiving prices, healthcare expenses are also on the rise. Costs for inpatient care have risen by 195% over the last 20 years, while prices for outpatient services grew by 200%.  

Assisted living facilities, in-home caregiving services, and healthcare are all extremely expensive, and seniors only have a finite amount of retirement savings. However, age-tech can lower the cost. By using age-tech, seniors require less in-person care, without a reduction in quality. 

Overall less fear

When seniors can’t afford to hire help, caregivers in the family usually have to step up to assist them. Family members of seniors spend an average of 24 hours a week providing unpaid care, and this increases when there’s no extra help. In fact, many caregivers need to reduce their hours or quit their jobs to help care for their elderly loved ones. 

Unfortunately, seniors aren’t blind to the impact of their need for care. In fact, Pachett says another reason seniors don’t ask for help is because they’re afraid of “becoming a burden to their children.” She continues, “Instead, they suffer silently and often in isolation.”  

Since age-tech reduces the amount of in-person care seniors need, it can help them feel like less of a burden. This increases the likelihood that they’ll seek care for any medical ailments they’re facing, without worrying about the impact it’ll have on their loved ones.   

Delivering high-quality care with age-tech  

Age-tech helps seniors maintain their independence, save on finances, and drop the fear that they’re a burden. Most importantly, age-tech provides high-quality care that drives positive health outcomes.   

If you’re looking for a healthcare solution for seniors, look no further than the Ōmcare Home Health Hub®. It was specifically designed for elderly patients to help them age in place by providing:  

  • Medication deliveries: We’ll deliver medication directly to your doorstep.
  • Pre-packaged medicine: Up to 30 days of medication comes in easy-to-open pouches, and it is programmed to dispense on time, in exactly the right amount.
  • Medication reminders: You’ll get reminders when it’s time to take medication.
  • Regular check-ins: You can regularly check in with healthcare providers via video chat, calls, or text messaging.
  • Cost effectiveness: After a one-time fee, the Ōmcare Home Health Hub® is only $9.99 per month.

Reach out to Ōmcare today to learn more.