Wendy Mizutani's headshot

Name: Wendy Mizutani

Title: Vice President of Customer Care and Operations

Education: Master’s of Arts in Leadership, Augsburg University (graduating May 2024), Bachelor’s of Arts in Diplomacy and World Affairs, Occidental College

Time at Ōmcare: 4 Months (also 4 months end of 2019 and beginning of 2020)

One personal fact about you: My happy place is our family cabin in the mountains of Northern California.

1. What led you to Ōmcare? 

When changing careers in 2019, I knew that I wanted to join the healthcare industry. In particular, I have a passion for helping people live independently as long as possible, based on my experiences as a caregiver for my mom. I met Lisa through a mutual connection and was inspired by Ōmcare’s mission of changing the way the world cares and addressing un-met needs for the growing population of adults 65+.  

 2. What’s the most rewarding part of working at Ōmcare? 

Hearing from Hub owners, potential owners, and caregivers how Ōmcare simplifies their lives or takes a worry off their very full plate.

3. What is your favorite current project you’re working on? 

I love working with the team to help deliver a product our customers will love and building a team of customer care professionals who share a passion to help.

4. Pick out a core value that means a lot to you. How have you seen this lived out in your time at Ōmcare? 

We are a team. We understand the lifting power of many wings can achieve twice as much as any bird flying alone. Quite simply, there are no swim lanes or silos at Ōmcare. We’re here to help each other and everyone’s voice and contribution matter.   

5. What are you most proud of accomplishing throughout your time at Ōmcare? 

I really love the brand identity work that we’ve done with Marketing – it’s how we want to show up not only for our customers but for each other. It aligns with our values and mission and will become the way that we measure success and the quality of our customer service.

6. Why should someone work at Ōmcare? 

Ōmcare is a company dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of our customers and their loved ones. Working for a company with clarity on their purpose matters and doing it with people who share that passion is invigorating. Ōmcare is a place where you can grow your skills and be valued for your experience, opinions, and hard work.